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Specialization course for Data Protection in Health


During the last years, Europe has faced an unprecedented number of cyber-attacks in terms of their global scale, impact on business sector and rate of spread. Healthcare organizations are some of the most-trusted entities holding the most sensitive information about patients, such as: name, date and place of birth. Health data that can be linked to measure pathways and outcomes is often both personal and sensitive. In the first place, it is personal because there is information that identifies individuals. Alongside this, it is also sensitive because it is related with aspects of individuals’ health and health care treatments and services. Patients’ fundamental right to protection of their health data is an important issue in diverse contexts and specifically in healthcare, including care given through clinical trials, clinical investigations or patient registries. Suffering from many flows, such as the low budget and the lack of IT organization to address possible challenges in data protection, healthcare actors have become “easy” targets for hackers, facing more and more pressure and threats from them. Within this context, the GDPR4Health Project aims to enable and promote transparency and comparability of qualifications for DPOs in the Healthcare sector. Furthermore, our partnership aims at developing a sustainable recognition process on common values and qualifications that underpin the “new data protection environment” by transfer of knowledge from pioneer countries in the field of data protection(Germany) to less experienced(Greece and Romania).

Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

 Specialisation Course for Data Protection in Health consists of 3 Modules: 

- Module 1: Data protection and law will enable DPOs to explore the key concepts, rules and functions of the Data Protection Law. DPOs will focus on the interplay between Greek/German/Romanian Data Protection Law and the recent EU Data Protection Regulation. They will analyze this interaction, using a wide variety of sources, including academic literature, domestic laws and policy practices. Alongside this, they will explore data protection compliance in practice as an essential legal requirement for all organizations and stakeholders within the EU.  

-Module 2: IT tools and methodologies applied to data protection  

Healthcare providers and industry partners process significant amounts of data. Most data breaches occur as a result of human error. Within this context, DPOs will learn the new compliance requirements which aim to improve data security practices.  

The rapid development of digital health poses critical challenges to the personal data protection of patients. Within this context, DPOs will reflect on national and EU developments on data protection. Alongside this, DPOs will identify key strategies for Data flow mapping and learn from case studies and best practices of effective data protection in the health sector 

-Module 3: Soft Skills for Data Protection Officers focuses on the sooft skills that a DPO  should acquire. It focuses on Verbal strategies, the position of the data protection officer in the company and response to a crisis (crisis management)


You can follow our Course if you are: 


             Healthcare professionals 

             Employers interested or work in the healthcare sector 

Course Staff

Dr. Gudrun Voggenreiter, Project Manager, Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin

Dr. Gudrun Voggenreiter is a linguist and literary scholar. Due to her many years of professional experience as a manager in personnel development, she is familiar with the requirements of data protection processes in organizations. She is a trainer for topics in the field of soft skills. For 3 years she has been working as a project manager in ERASMUS+ educational projects for the Steinbeis University Berlin.

Dr. Erik Malchow, Trainer, Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin

Erik Malchow is a passionate trainer for communication. After his studies of cultural communication in Frankfurt (Oder) (GER), Poznan and Gdansk (PL), which he finished with honours (Mgr., M.A.), he specialised in soft skills training and leadership. His further fields of expertise include diversity management, business relations with German companies as well as training for rhetoric and media. Erik Malchow works for several universities in Europe and produces training materials for corporate communication. More at LinkedIn

Katerina Patavou, European Public Affairs, Panhellenic Union of Pharmaceutical Industry

Katerina Patavou is Head of European Public Affairs for the Panhellenic Union of Pharmaceutical Industry (PEF) in Greece, acting as a liaison officer between the association, EU policy makers and various stakeholders involved in formulating policy at European and national level. Previously having worked in the European Parliament, the Hellenic Foundation for European & ForeignPolicy (ELIAMEP), and other EU public affairs consultancies Burson-Marsteller, GPlus and Dods EU, she has firsthand experience of the EU’s policy-making mechanisms. With a graduate degree in Law from the University of Reading and a Master’s degree in EU Law from Kings College London, Katerina has a thorough understanding of the EU ecosystem and acts a legal adviser and lobbyist.

Chrysa Psyllaki, Researcher, Skybridge Partners

Chrysoula Psyllaki is a Researcher in Skybridge Partners, She holds a BA in International and European Studies from the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus, and currently is completing a master’s in International and European Policies on Education, Training and Research Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus. As a student she has participated in many research groups, she has drafted newsletters and has presented papers in scientific conferences of the University of Piraeus. She performed an internship in the European Parliament Office in Greece. Moreover, she has been working as an administrative officer in the Laboratory of Education, Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation. She is involved in EU-funded projects.

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  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

    Aug 4, 2020
  3. Classes End

    Jul 31, 2021
  4. Course Length

    15 weeks